Chichester Group 22-1-15
Last session we talked about some aspects of
character representation and a little about narrative structure.
Character Representation
In a short story it’s not possible to develop characters in any detail, and of
course it’s dangerous to introduce too many characters for the story to ‘hold’.
So you have to suggest.
We mentioned that often you can indicate
something about a character by paying attention to how they speak
Tone of voice - the sort of ‘music’ their sentences make
- flowing and elegant or choppy and
nervous, interactive with lots of ‘don’t you think’ s, nervous with lots of trailings off, or compensating for nervousness by lots of
exclamations ‘My dear! You can’t believe
Type of vocabulary - the comment of educated words, or the use of very slangy ones, swearing, kind of swearing, tendency to fall back on favourite words – ‘Yes
that can be tricky’, ‘rather snookered
there’ . . .
Vocabulary often
shows education or lack of it, and/or
class, but also tact, rudeness, knowing
a specialism.
Connected to the
dialogue, showing their words, there’s
the body language used, the gestures
that go with the words, the awkwardness
or sensuality of movement. I referred
too this passage in Nadine Gordimer’s novel,
A Guest of Honour
Bray sat forward clumsily, his hands dangled between his
Shinza stuck another cigarette in his mouth, spoke around
it, standing up to thrust for the matches in the dressing-gown pocket. ‘There were a few little meetings
down in the town-ship – the men from the factory and the lime-works
fellows. The trade-union steward didn’t
like it. The Young Pioneers didn’t like
‘They arrested the
‘I suppose you call
it that. They took him away and locked
him up; they had a lot of questions to ask, it took two months or so, and now you gave him a
lift home’ Shinza finished it off abruptly, like a fairy story for a
Gordimer, A Guest of Honour)
The first
highlighted passage gives a feeling of the man by his easy with himself, lack
of ceremony. The second highlighted
passage gives his irony, suggests the tone of his voice, and his implied (how naïve
you are, Bray)
In talking about
story shape we thought about Barbara’s story, and how we felt she could have
stayed a bit longer with the family, and shown their situation in Siberia, some examples of the main character’s sense of fairplay and his scrupulous honesty,
and we talked about balancing the need for showing
the situation and people, and at the same time moving the story along – pace. It’s difficult sometimes to balance these.
In Graham’s story
we talked about the fairy-tale like quest form and how this can, in principle
go on and on, and the longer it does the more difficult it becomes to wind it
up into a whole. We mentioned the
bildungsroman as an example of a sort of plot structure where the main
character moves from situation to situation – in that case in the process of
growing up and finding himself. It’s
perhaps worth while, we thought, for Graham’s story to deal also with the
development of the main character as well as the intricacy’s of his quest, and
are their in fact too many quests?
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